Introducing our new AA SmartAir 5 Home & Office Air Purifier. Why should you trust our Smart Air Premium your Workplace, Home or Office?
The difference is the configuration of filters, the quality of the filters and the build quality of the purifier itself. Our Australian input into the machine means you can be assured of the highest quality product at the best possible price. The precision of the filters due to the build quality means no leaking of air giving maximum efficiency in purified air. This means you do not need to replace the filters as often as others for it to be effective in purifying the air that you breath.
Let’s talk about conventional air purifiers for a minute. Let’s face it, they are all over the internet & social media for crazy low unbelievable prices. The replacement filters are sometimes more expensive than the machine because the manufacturers of these machines make big profits from the ongoing filter sales, not the machines. So, you may not pay a lot for the machine in the beginning but the costs soon add up over the life of the filter.
Consider also that the prices of these machines are super low, and yet the manufacturers would have you believe that a $100-$300 filtration system can clean air the same as a $900+ filter system? It’s a long stretch of the imagination.
The problem is your health suffers as well as your wallet if they don’t perform of which many don’t. There are other more expensive units that will provide a higher level of protection at around the $900 mark. While they offer protection, they still require the filters to be replaced on a regular basis. Some as frequently as every 3 months making them expensive to operate and maintain.
Filters included and available to purchase:
First Layer – Fine Grade Pre-filter – Expect 1 years life before replacing.
Second Layer – 1 x H13 Hepa Filter – Expect 1 years life before replacing.
Third Layer – Honeycomb particle Active Carbon Filter – Expect 1 years life before replacing.
Fourth Layer – UV Sterilizing filter –Expect 5 years life before replacing.
Fifth Layer – Active Carbon – Expect 1 years life before replacing.
Recommended for:
For all Office, Home, Hospital, Medical & aged care facilities with a room size up to 60sqm or 200m3
5 year replacement warranty